





























1. Cooper, J, Cooper, R. Conditions Associated with Strabismus: Convergence InsufficiencyOptometrists Network, All About Strabismus. 2001-2005.

2. Bartiss, M. Extraocular Muscles: Convergence, Inc., eMedicine Specialties, Ophthalmology. 2005.

3. Scheiman M, Mitchell GL, Cotter S, et al; the Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial (CITT) Study Group. A randomized clinical trial of treatments for convergence insufficiency in children. Archives of Ophthalmology. 2005;123:14-24. Complete article – PDF version

4.Birnbaum MH, Soden R, Cohen AH. Efficacy of vision therapy for convergence insufficiency in an adult male population. J Am Optom Assoc. 1999;70:225-232.

5. Scheiman M, Cooper J, Mitchell GL, et al. A survey of treatment modalities for convergence insufficiencyOptom Vis Sci. 2002;79:151-157.

6. Gallaway M, Scheiman M, Malhotra K. Effectiveness of pencil pushups treatment of convergence insufficiency: a pilot studyOptom Vis Sci. 2002;79:265-267.

7. Rouse MW, Borsting E, Hyman L, Hussein M, Cotter SA, Flynn M, Scheiman M, Gallaway M, De Land PN. Frequency of convergence insufficiency among fifth and sixth gradersOptom Vis Sci. 1999 Sep;76(9):643-9.

8. Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Study Group. Randomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in childrenArchives of Ophthalmology. 2008 Oct;126(10):1336-49. References related to exophoria at near, convergence problems, under-convergence, convergence weakness, insufficient fusional convergence, exophoric, eye teaming, eye tracking, visual sensory integration, accommodative insufficient, diplopia, eye muscle weakness, exotropia, exophoria, receded nearpoint of convergence





 AFTER THE ITALIAN TEXT YOU FIND ENGLISH VERSION RIPI®( Permanent Rebalancing Infrared ……. Input)


IL NOSTRO CORPO E’ UNA FONTE DI RISORSE INESAURIBILE ED IN MAGGIOR PARTE ANCORA SCONOSCIUTE e la curiosità dell’Essere Umano da un lato e la RICERCA DI SALUTE dall’altro sono state le ispiratrici di tutte le MEDICINE NATURALI (cinese, indiana,…) che ha caratterizzato la STORIA DELLA MEDICINA MONDIALE portando a conclusioni dalla SCIENTIFICITA PER LO MENO DISCUTIBILE.

La SCIENZA MODERNA si è sviluppata parallelamente allo sviluppo della TECNOLOGIA, che ha permesso di MISURARE e VALUTARE I RISULTATI distinguendo le CREDENZE POPOLARI dalla REALTA’.

Sul sito troverete la TRATTAZIONE SCIENTIFICA del DYNAMIC MOVEMENTS KIT (APPLICAZIONE SIA PODALICA CHE PER GLI OCCHI) e della versione applicabile all’asta degli occhiali da vista e/o da sole oppure anche con lente neutra per comodità denominata RIPI-V (Riequilibratore Permanente ad Iinfrarossi a Ingresso Visivo) , ENTRAMBI DISPOSITIVI MEDICI CE REGISTRATI AL MINISTERO DELLA SALUTE, presentata in CONTESTI MEDICO-SCIENTIFICI NAZIONALI ED INTERNAZIONALI (Congresso Internazionale per il Trentennale del Collegio Internazionale di Studi della Statica di Marsiglia, Congresso Mediterraneo di Medicina dello Sport: “Valutazione Clinica Dell’Atleta”  di Favignana,   Veganfest, Congresso Europeo Vegan – SANA (salone internazionale del biologico e del naturale) di Bologna,  II Giornate Tedesche di Posturologia “Posturologia in età evolutiva” di Ischia, Primo Congresso Euroamericano di Posturologia e Medicina Riabilitativa di Roma,  2nd International Congress of Stabilometry & Posturology di Pisa ,  5th European Congress for Integrative Medicine di Firenze, tra gli altri), oggetto di  INSEGNAMENTO in corsi specifici tenuti da medici (ISTITUTO CLINICO QUARENGHI),  trattato in TESI UNIVERSITARIE (Università di Ferrara, Udine, Cagliari), TESTATO IN AMBITO SPORTIVO (TEAM VELOSYSTEM, Cesenatico sul ciclismo, ma anche calcio, tiro, motociclismo, pattinaggio, hockey, rugby, basket,…) e NON (MICROLAB, Milano).



Pensate che già nel 1911 si iniziò ad ipotizzare di poter condizionare il nostro corpo con uno STIMOLO INNOQUO dall’esterno: allorà  si utilizzò una particolare ‘lente’ detta ‘prisma’ grazie al medico russo Ilya Fadeevitch Tsion, detto Elie di Cyon, professore di fisiologia all’accademia militare di San Pietroburgo.

Negli anni successivi seguirono numerosi studi scientifici, ma si deve al neuroscienziato francese Prof. J.P. Roll e al suo gruppo di scienziati,  la dimostrazione che l’applicazione di uno stimolo vibratorio in prossimità dei muscoli che muovono i nostri occhi, detti muscoli extraoculari[1] e in un particolari punti  della pianta del piede[2] (ma non solo), produceva dei cambiamenti alla posizione del nostro corpo nello spazio, con degli spostamenti laterali, in avanti e/o indietro.  Nel 1988 Biguer e Colleghi dimostrarono il legame tra i muscoli del collo e la visione durante il movimento[3] e questo era importante anche sapendo che lo stesso Roll aveva dimostrato anche come occhi e collo intervengano nelle funzioni di orientamento nello spazio[4], importantissime in tutti gli sport ma anche nella vita quotidiana.






La NASA dal 1960 ha ideato un sistema che inserito nelle tute spaziali è in grado di emetteredelle onde elettromagnetiche nel range del LONTANO INFRAROSSO in quanto si è scoperto che hanno un’azione befecia sul cuore e sulla circolazione in quelle condizioni sfavorevoli per l’essere umano. E’ notorio che la FREQUENZA INFRAROSSA è utilizzata in apparecchi elettromedicali  ed in ambiente termale per l’azione sul microcircolo, sul dolore e sul rilassamento muscolare .

Ma  IL  NOSTRO CORPO stesso , così come tutto il mondo che ci circonda, EMETTE ONDE ELETTROMAGNETICHE (INNOCUE), in parte visibili dai nostri occhi ed in parte no: proprio tra le onde ‘invisibili’ si ritrovano FREQUENZE NEL RANGE DELL’INFRAROSSO.

La disponibilità proprio in ITALIA di una particolare ceramica ha portato a sperimentarne gli effetti sul CORPO UMANO se applicata nei punti che gli scienziati ci avevano indicato come INGRESSI DEL NOSTRO SISTEMA NERVOSO.


  • RIFLETTE ESCLUSIVAMENTE LA BANDA DEL LONTANO INFRAROSSO emesso dal nostro corpo (Prof Mauro Tonelli CNR Nanotecnologie Università di Pisa, Pisa 27/02/2013)
  • NON E’ RADIOATTIVA (Mauro Magnoni , Resp ARPA Torino Cert. 04 del 27/’6/2011)
  • E’ PRIVA DI EFFETTI COLLATERALI (Dott Giovanni Tanchis, Responsabile Laboratorio Microbiologia e Arch Marco Colli Resp. Prove e Certificazioni DPI – Associazione Tessile e Cotoniera di Busto Arsizio, Rapp prova Patch test 1201452 del 02/10/12)
  • NON RIFLETTE IL CALORE (Eros Ronchini, Vice Pers. ITALIANA di TERMOGRAFIA INFRAROSSO,Santa Giustina di Belluno, 12 giugno 2013)



L’APPLICAZIONE ACCANTO AGLI OCCHI RISOLVE e PREVIENE tutte le problematiche legate alla tensione di uno o più muscoli che muovono i nostri occhi e che si fanno sentire soprattutto ALLA SERA, DOPO PROLUNGATO USO DEL PC con CON CHI PORTA OCCHIALI DA VISTA e in una disfunzione denominata  DENOMINATA IPOCONVERGENZA OCULARE (difficolta a seguire con entrambi gli occhi una mira che si avvicina alla radice del nostro naso) , ben nota a CHI SI OCCUPA DI VISIONE a livello mondiale ( e a chi si occupa di POSTUROLOGIA ( ) per le sue interferenze con la PERFORMANCE SPORTIVA, con DISTURBI MUSCOLO-SCHELETRICI, con DISTURBI DELLA SFERA APPRENDIMENTO/CONCENTRAZIONE/ATTENZIONE.

In particolare posizionato accanto all’angolo esterno di uno dei due occhi (incollato sull’asta interna di occhiali sportivi, caschi, persino cuffia da nuoto o mediante il cerotto presente nella confezione)  favorisce il:

  1. Miglioramento della funzione visiva binoculare, della localizzazione degli ostacoli, della consapevolezza dello spazio intorno a noi, della mira, miglior impostazione delle curve in bici come in moto (ritardare l’impostazione di una curva a 200 km/ora di un secondo comporta 60 metri di percorso in più).
  2. Minor affaticamento mentale e miglior capacità di concentrazione (anche al pc!)
  3. Miglioramento di tutti i movimenti del collo (test mediante SYSMOTION® elaborati da MICROLAB di A. Vannella)
  4. Mantenimento della centratura degli occhiali da vista (maggior comfort)
  5. Migliora la funzione visiva in corso di trattamento ortodontico quando potrebbero presentarsi cefalea, disturbi di concentrazione, disturbi transitori della vista

[1] ROLL J.P. , ROLL R. Kinesthetic and motor effects of extraocular muscle vibration in man. In: Eye movements. Amsterdam J.K. O’REGAN & A. LEVY-SCHOEN (Eds. ). 57-58, 1987

[2] Kavounoudias A., Roll J.P., Roll R., Gilhodes J.C., Bouquerel A. (1998) Réponses posturales induites par stimulation vibratoire des afférences cutanées plantaires chez l’homme. In Pied équilibre et rachis, Ph Villeneuve, Frison-Roche, Paris

[3] BIGUER B., DONALDSON I. M., HEIN A., JEANNEROD M. Neck muscles vibration modifies the representation of visual motion and direction in man – Brain, 111: 1405-1424, 1988

[4] Roll,-R; Velay,-J-L; Roll,-J-P Eye and neck proprioceptive messages contribute to the spatial coding of retinal input in visually oriented activities. Exp-Brain-Res. 1991; 85(2): 423-31

“Infrared emiTTING therapeutic AIDS and MEDICAL PRODUCTS”

Dr Sergio Ettore Salteri, CIES Italia

The project is aimed to the development and marketing  of  therapeutic devices for the treatment and prevention of Convergence insufficiency in  everyday life and in sport and, moreover, for sight tiredness relief.

The RIPI-V is unique and  innovative because  by using far infra red reflecting material to treat convergency disease it allows avoidance of other alternative expensive committing methods of uncertain outcome  due to  patients’s lack of cooperation. Ripi -V doesn’t need patient cooperation. RIPi-V   usage simplicity brings about a widespread prevention and treatment  of the eye sight tiredness. Moreover RIPI-V  minimizes orthodontic treatment side effects  on the binocular visual function  ( Thesis In Orthodontics at the University of Cagliari Academic Year 2011-2012. Co-supervision of Prof. Vincent Piras Prof. Massimo Ronchin Graduating Dr. Nadia Pavin entitled “Minimizing Stress on the extraocular muscles in school age by applying a far infrared reflective membrane “)   as well as  the effects of malocclusion  (premature dental contacts, crossbite, …).  The link between  sight function alteration and orthodontic treatment is well illustrated in the following  works :

a) dr. Eleonora Annunziata – Oculistic Department- Hospital . Umberto I of Mestre “Variazione dell’oculomotricità in bambini di età compresa tra i 5 ed i 13 anni sottoposti a trattamento ortodontico” –  International Workshop  ‘Occlusion and Posture ’ , Milan,  june  2001


b) Jean Claude de Mauroy, Director of Orthopedic Department- Polyclinique Orthopédique du Parc – Lyon ” 60% of scoliotic chldren have used  othodontic braces  – normal frequency of scoliosis  is 15%”


c)  V.De Cicco- M.Brunelli  (Università of Pisa, Professor of Phisiology – Department of Science and Medicine – Director of Neuroscience Scholarship ) ” bite thickness affects  saccadic eye movements,  stereoscopic vision, ocular receptor quality ”   World Congress of Neuroscience, Madrid,  2006

In particolar, the eyes allow us to move in our surroundings by providing us with constantly updated information: this allows us to learn an create movement patterns. If eye movement isn’t  physiological it prevents  the eye sight sensorial component  from respecting  the rethinal correspondences and  the correct performance of the oculocefaloturn scheme  bringing  about limited head rotation and  unleveled shoulders in torsion and so  deformities of the shoulder, spine  and learning disorders may insurge. The  RIPI applied to the eyes (glasses or patches), called RIPI-V (Vision), balances eyes bringing them back to normal  with the effect of rebalancing shoulders and spine as well as improving learning and concentration.

The RIPI-V now has already been used on 600 patients with positive results.

Nothing  exists as an efficient and of immediate effects alternative to Ripi V in the field of prevention. The alternatives in therapy are represented by :

1. prismatic lenses created by prof Alves Da Silva (Prof Alves da Silva: ” Dear Sergio I did today a step more in the clinical research with good results.Best regards.”) require use of  very expensive eyeglasses with constant medical control  in order to adjuts lens graduation.

2. The National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health states that the most effective therapy is a weekly one-hour session in the studio with strengthening domiciliary exercises for 3 or more months.

3.Scheimann M, GwiazadaJ (NON SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR CONVERGENCE INSUFFICIENCY: REVIEW. Copyright 2011. The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd) speak of 12 weeks of treatment. (PMID:21412896[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE])


The RIPI-V treats  the disorders of the extraocular muscles (strabismus, axis ocular disorders, deficit of  ocular convergence and stereopsis) that bring about:

  1. disorders of attention during reading
  2. discomfort of  the vision of lateral movement
  3. discomfort due to artificial lights
  4. evening headache
  5. evening nervousness
  6. driving  difficulty at dusk or after a storm
  7. awkwardness (difficulty in locating obstacles)
  8. falling asleep in front of TV
  9. The RIPI-V stabilises eye  glasse functionality  (V.Roncagli)
  10. The RIPI-V relaxes the extraocular muscles (during playback – che vuoi dire during playback?) and personal computer usage )
  11. The RIPI-V improves binocular visual function in athletes


All those who are affected by convergence insufficiency; the disease, almost unknown in Italy,   is a common sensory and neuromuscular anomaly of the  binocular vision system, characterized by a reduced ability of the eyes to turn towards each other, or sustain convergence. Asthenopic symptoms associated with convergence insufficiency (CI) may compromise a person’s ability to work or study, in everyday life and in sport. Convergence insufficiency changes the centering of the lens.  In USA most aircrew members with convergence insufficiency are asymptomatic since they are only exophoric at near. Symptomatic aircrew, however, may break down to exotropia with fatigue or stress and complain of asthenopic problems (i.e., tearing, blurring, headache, fatigue, halo images) or frank diplopia. Near point of convergence insufficiency greater than 100 mm is considered disqualifying for Class 1 and cause for evaluation for Class 2/3/4. The general use of RIPI-V both as treatment and prevention  of eye fatigue (computer, television, reading,..) should also be encouraged for easy  use and low cost. Very important the use in sport as it improves the visual performance.

The cerebral cortex of elite athletes is a bit  thicker in some brain areas (superior temporal sulcus) and this anatomic variation is related to the level of training.

This increase in thickness covers an area involved in the processing of socially relevant stimuli and the perception of the movement .

Athletes are different from normal people for the ability to track images and objects that move fast and quickly learn how to tackle every complex dynamic scenes. (“Nature Scientific Communication” signed by Jocelyn Faubert, Visual Psychophysics and Perception Laboratory at the University of Montreal, Canada).

Extensive coverage on the market and commonly used in all in all forms provided by the international patent and in the ‘Model of Utilities’ : eyeglasses and sunglasses, sports glasses, sports helmets, patches, applications for eyeglass arms (already on the market a Class I Medical Device, CE, made in Italy), diving masks, overalls motoring or cycling.  All of these objects pivot on the  placement of  far-infrared reflecting material near the outer corner of the eye.

Use undifferentiated in eyeglasses and to facilitate the achievement of visual training; important aid in the treatment of strabismus, disorders of attention, disorders of vision and to prevent eye fatigue.

The low price and ease of use will encourage a wide spreading of RIPIV. This will improve the health of entire populations




A. Professor Mauro Tonelli (CNR Institute of Nanoscience of the University of Pisa), 27 February 2013, certifies that the membrane has an emissivity comparable with that of the black reference used. This shows that RIPI presents a maximum emissivity in the spectral region 2-24 nanometers ).

B. Eros Ronchini (Vice President Italian Association of thermography) certifies that the material does not reflect heat

C. Center Cotoniero Textiles and Clothing SrL, Busto Arsizio (VA), 2012/02/2010 certifies the absence of contact reactions

D. Dott. Mauro Magnoni, Harp Turin (No. 4 2011/06/27): “The levels of radioactivity in this sample are normal.”

2.RIPI-V  Application for eye glasses arms has been built in compliance with the following regulations:

– Directive 93/42/CEE – Medical Device; the product complies with essential requirement as per  appendix  1 of above mentioned directive ( Directive and Lgs. Decree).

– Directive 2001/95/CE general  product safety

–  Directive 2007/47/EC  amending Council Directive 90/385/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices, Council Directive 93/42 EEC concerning medical devices and Directive 98/8/EC concerning the introduction of biocidal products in the market. It complies with the regulations in force. Date 12/03/2014

Risk analysis: the leaflet and the documentation representing the technical file has been verified by the eng. Renato Carraro

Copy of Label CE

RIPI Srl Via XX Settembre 46 32035 SANTA GIUSTINA (BL) – ITALY web:

Permanent Ri-balance infrared visual input

Medical Device class 1

Type: RIPI 001 Registration N.1110186 (12/03/2014)

Code: RIPI

Dimensions in mm.: 40mm x 8 mm x 7mm hmax

Weight 1 gr. Production year : 14

Production Parcel: 14001

Made in Italy



B.Italian Utility Model N. PN2014U 000007 del 22/7/2014: ” infra red emitting device  to be incorporated in equipment and sports and labour  protective overalls of varipus kinds, to be psotioned on head during sports performance allowing during performance correct and efficient vision” Inventor: Sergio Ettore Salteri






  1. DOTT SERGIO ETTORE SALTERI (Italian Section of Collège Internationale Etude de Statique CIES, Paris) : Among the patients with convergence insufficiency (convergence test of tracking up to the root of the nose to find the minimum muscle tension), referred to study of inventor, after accepting and signing the informed consent,  46 patients were selected (12 males, 26 females aged between 13 and 60 years) at the first visit showed complete absence of stereopsis (TNO TEST, Lameris Ootech Netherland BV) while for the control group were randomly selected 54 patients (27 men and 27 women aged between 13 and 60 years). The RIPI-V was applied on  glasses arms or directly on the skin (patch).EXCLUSION CRITERIA : patients monoculi, patients who are color blind (the test chosen using anaglyph glasses with lenses red / green, patients with keratoconus , patients undergoing surgery or laser intervention for strabismus, patients with severe anisometropie and more than 1.5 diopters dioptric difference between the eye and the other to avoid controversy or misinterpretation of results . MATERIALS AND METHODS: At least 8 hours a day (at night, but recommended during study or use of ‘stressful’ eye, for example in front of the pc) we put RIPI-V near convergence insufficiency eye or in  case of bilateral convergence insufficiency near the dominant eye . RESULTS: out of 46 patients who did not present at the first visit stereopsis only 8 (17% of the total) have confirmed the data while the other 38 showed improvement: it is important to note that  6 out of 46 patients (13% of total) have come to the last of the 7 pages of TNO test achieving  a perfect stereopsis. Patient reported no side effects either by contact or of any other kind. In none of the control patients there was a deterioration of stereopsis. All the patients improved the Convergence Test:  90% of cases maintained satsifactoty stereopsis after  RIPI-V removal ,  10% resurfaced  lack of stereopsis by removing the RIPI-V: all patients of the second group had dental problems ipsilateral to the convergence insufficiency.  No patient left the study (Venice April 26 to 27, 2013, 2nd International Congress of Stabilometry & Posturology: “The RIPI-V: Innovation for the prevention and treatment of diseases and disorders of the extraocular muscles of stereopsis by the application of a reflective material in the far infrared: Experimental Study of 100 Patients”).
  2. Dr ANGELO VANNELLA(technologist – Expert Posturology Integrated AIROP – Master 1st and 2nd level Européen Université Jean Monnet – Prof. AC Master Posturology Osteopathic – 2011-12; 2012-13; 2013-14): RATINGS WITH INERTIAL DEVICES FOR MEASURING THE ROM AND NECK JOINT ACCORDING WITH  INTERNATIONAL  METHOD SFTR . ABSTRACT : Instrumental analysis is encountering more and more the favor of clinicians for the great and undeniable ability to objectify functional parameters.

In this work, measurements were made in the ROM of the cervical telemetry and BODY ROM (with particular emphasis on the spine and lumbar) using 10-axis accelerometer IMU (3-Axis MEMS gyroscope, MEMS 3-axes accelerometer, 3-Axis MEMS magnetometer + 1 pressure sensor [not used in this work]) with the system SysMotion® developed by Microlab Angelo Vannella – Vimercate (MB). The evaluation of the ROM has been chosen for several reasons both clinical and operational. In fact, the positioning of RIPI-V® (Permanent Rebalancing Infrared Visual Input ) and RIPI-P® (Permanent Rebalancing Infrared  Podalic Input ) of the inventor Dr. Sergio Ettore Salteri  generates an immediate systemic readjustment. Under the operational aspect, the measurement of cervical ROM in particular, has proved to be of great help to highlight the increase of mobility before and after use of RIPI. The test was performed by placing an accelerometer on the forehead of the patient through a special elastic support Bob and telemetry. The accelerometer is connected to a PC via Bluetooth, which communicates in real-time high-frequency (50/100 Hz) at graphic software specifically designed with protocols for the correct angular measurements of the three movements (Rotation, Flexion / Extension , latero-flexion) according to METHOD OF MEASURING tHE INTERNATIONAL JOINT SFTR Johnn said thanks to J. Gerhardt, who recognized the benefits of measuring joint movements with the “Neutral Zero” on three fundamental levels: SFTR, [S (sagittal) – F (front) – T (transverse) – R (rotation )] suitable for use with the computer. The measurements were carried out on two types of athletes: Cyclist, Martial Arts. In both cases, measurements were made without RIPI and subsequently with RIPI. The accuracy of the measurements in both cases showed improved mobility.

3) Thesis In Orthodontics at the University of Cagliari Academic Year 2011-2012. Co-supervision of Prof. Vincent Piras Prof. Massimo Ronchin Graduating Dr. Nadia Pavin entitled “Minimizing Stress on the extraocular muscles in school age by applying a far infrared reflective membrane ”



The low price and ease of use will encourage a wide spreading of RIPIV. This will improve the health of entire populations. Use undifferentiated in eyeglasses and to facilitate the achievement of visual training; important aid in the treatment of strabismus, disorders of attention, disorders of vision and to prevent eye fatigue.


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